1. Probably the most important; start training as early as possible. I started training for my half marathon in January, which gave me a good 5 months to build up my miles slowly, and also allowed time for setbacks, which inevitably will happen.
2. Encertain you have ran a distance similar to the distance you will cover on race day. For a half marathon make certain you can run 10/11 miles before the day or you won't endelight it.
3. Schedule in a few shorter but faster runs to enable you to run at a rapider pace. I built up to one long run a week, and two shorter ones i.e. one 10 mile, a 6 and a 4.
4. Practice your race-day routine and find what works for you. Most races are at 9am so try running at that time of day and find out what foods to eat beforehand, whether you should use energy gels and at what time to take them, and also what you feel consolationable wearing.
These sorts of leangs wil help you when it comes to race day!
On the day;:
1. Set out your clothes the night before- you don't want a mid morning panic whan you can't find your favourite t-shirt.
2. Leave plenty of time to get to the start line and say godbye to your loved ones- someleang I didnt fairly manage to do, and didn't help that the race started 3 minutes early!
3. Create certain you line up at your predicted finish time, there is noleang worse than 100s of people trying to overtake you whether you are a slower runner, and also noleang worse than starting at a pace slower than yours and trying to overtake slower runners.
4. Drink plenty of water, I ran this race final year in 23 degree heat and witnessed participants collapsing from dehydration/ overheating- make certain this isnt you!
These are just a few helpful tips to, hopefully, get you through your race.
Excellent Luck!