Friday, March 22, 2019

Sport and Fitness Uniques: Exercising to defeat stress

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I've discovered over the years that, although exercising is the final leang I feel like when I'm stressed, it genuinely can help me relax. Our body's 'fight or fight' reaction creates energy, but there's often nowhere for that energy to go, and we can feel tense for hours at a time.

Specwhethericly for those of us with a sedentary job, exercise is the best outlets for this excess energy, and it doesn't have to be playing sport at a leicertain centre or going to the gym. Numerous forms of activity that I endelight are free and often don't even mean leaving the house. They certainly don't require having a specific skill! But I always feel better afterwards.

I've been doing yoga regularly - several times a week - for about 15 years now. I use a dvd at domestic as I've been to lessones and found I couldn't relax as much in public. Clearly not everyone feels the same, as evidenced by the snoring I heard!

Yoga is an ancient Indian practice, dating back more than 5,000 years. The word yoga means union, and originally implied a union of the human spirit with nature. It reduces stress and improves strength, flexibility, coordination, circulation and posture, through stretching, brealeang, and meditation techniques.

This is a great idea, benefiting nearly everyone. As we evolved, humans probably walked many miles every day, and we are designed to do so. It is free, strengthens the heart and lungs as well as the legs, and increases flexibility. I aim to walk about half an hour a day, and find that the sense of perspective makes me more productive. I try to use this as motivation when I'm not in the mood.

Acquireting into the habit is the dwhetherficultest leang, but after that exercise genuinely pays off, reducing stress directly and also benefitting my sleep.

Kate Ricdwhetherficults

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