Hi everybody, how is going?
Today we will discuss the peak week; The peak week is the week preceding the day by which you want to seem in your best shape after a period of diet and/or training. This week is extremely important because it can improve or destroy months of dwhetherficult work.
This is a very hot and complex topic because so many factors can influence the preparation of this week. We are going to analyze the most important:
- Carbohydrate
- Sodium
- Potassium
- Fiber depletion
- Supplements
- Stout
- Protein
- Cardio
- Workout

- Carbohydrate: this macro-nutrient is important because make your muscles have that rounder and fuller look at the end of the peak week. If you eat to many carbohydrates you can spill-over, which means you start accumulate fat and water that will cover your muscles. Too few carbohydrate instead will make you flat and smooth and your muscle will look empty; There are basically two way to load carbohydrates; The first requires to load carbohydrates at beginning of the week and cut them of 20% every day arriving to a minimum of 30 grams the final days. The moment one, is to totally deplete your glycogen at beginning of the week and start slowly loading from Thursday, whether your appointment is on Sunday, so that day you should have the best look of the week. When you load, you probably want to increase someleang like 30 % a day whether you started from a fair amount of 100 grams. I will apply the latest strategy because it works much better for me.

- Protein: in this case protein are not that important as carbohydrate. You can keep your traditional intake (the same we have been using during the prep) and reduce it of 10% once you start loading carbohydrate. Remember carbohydrate and protein have the same kilo-calories, so given you are increasing the carbohydrates of 30% and decrease the protein only of 10% you are creating a caloric surplus here. We will fix this regulating the amount of fat.

- Stout: If you are following an tall fat diet, like I 'm doing, this will be the major adjustment you have to do. From Thursday, you want to reduce the fat to 50 grams a day, which is the minimum amount (in my opinion) for optimal hormones production for a natural athlete. This will fix the calories surplus you are creating increasing your carbohydrates, and also will create a slight calories deficit.

- Water: typically people restrict water in the final few days of their peak week. This can be a large mistake. A large percentage of the water (about 70%) is stored inside muscles and only a small percentage of water is stored external. When you cut water your body will try to balance this deficit retaining as much more water it can. Your goal here to try to change the ratio of water stored inside and external the cell, in favor of the first one. Generally you can slightly change this ratio manipulating your sodium and potassium assumption. So regarding water, we will be keeping our normal assumption until the night before, and then we will cut it to the fundamental. So on Sunday drink only when you are thirsty Possibly drink distilled water just for this day.

- Sodium: here people make a lot of mistakes. The traditional ancient protocol requires to deplete sodium totally on the way for a show. Remember, your body will always try to fight against you to keep the domesticostasis. Homeostasis is the property of a system that regulates its internal environment and tends to preserve a regular, relatively fixed condition of properties such as moodature, PH or fluid balance.

When you deplete sodium your body will try to balance producing Aldosterone. Aldosterone is a steroid hormone (mineralocorticoid family) produced by the outer section (zona glomerulosa) of the adrenal cortex in the adrenal gland. It plays a central role in the regulation of blood prescertain mainly by acting on the distal tubules and collecting ducts of the nephron, increasing re-absorption of ions and water in the kidney, to cause the conservation of sodium, secretion of potassium, increased water retention, and increased blood prescertain. Aldosterone tends to promote Na+ and water retention, and lower plasma K+ concentration which is summaryely the opposite of what you want.

- Potassium: There has been the common conception from years that sodium is poor and potassium is good. This make me laugh a lot. We have just seen that sodium is not any poor. Now, you have to know that potassium is supposed to retain water inside the muscular cell. WRONG, at least not totally true!
Normal physiology maintains 55-65% of our fluid intracellularly besides. If we are in a normal condition, we have more fluid inside than external our cells. It's when we screw someleang up that this percentage heads the other direction and fluid is diverted external the cell. Fluid dynamics is controlled with incredible summaryion via our kidneys.Your body is smarter than you are. If the ratio of potassium to sodium gets too tall, aldosterone levels can rise too! Said that, you have to understand that we can only sighty influence this fluid balance assuming about 3 grams of potassium a day starting from Thursday. Be very carefull because an excess of potassium, over 18 grams, can even kill you !

- Training: During this week you want still stimulate your muscles enough to keep glycogen in the muscles, and water where we want it: inside the muscle cell. This will make you look full and tight. Feeble protocol apart fromed that you stop to workout three or four days before your appointment. I don't agree with this approach because it would be a too large change for your body. Your muscles are so used to workout that stop this practice could be very risky for your general aspect. So, early in the week keep training with your traditional routine, probably until Wednesday or Thursday. From these days is very worth you stop train dwhetherficult. You don't want to sore or hancient water in the body part you are training. Best leang to do the days before the show is execute a circuit routine. One exercise for body part with tall volume style. The purpose is to keep glycogen in the muscles and look as dwhetherficult and ttall as you an.

- Cardio: try to keep cardio tall until Tuesday and from start reduce it. Cardio can cause water retention and edema in your legs. So keep only 15-20 minutes of cardio the days before the show. You can't expect to lose body fat during the peak week. You should alalert have the body fat you were looking for, at least one week before the show. The peak week is done only for optimizing the work you did in the 6 or 12 weeks before.

- Supplements: during this week try to reduce as much as you can all supplement like protein powder and post workout. You want to eat all your calories from genuine food. This will make you look fuller!
So, these were the most important factor to take in severe consideration for you peak week ! I hope I've been simple enough for giving you the minimum scientwhetheric basis for this preparation.